Aeldari Guardians

Aeldari Guardians

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Product Information

So few in number are the Asuryani that every citizen must train for war, in case they should one day need to defend their craftworld. In times of peace these Aeldari pursue artistic and civic Paths, but when called upon, they don their war masks and take to the battlefield. This Guardian militia is a match even for elite Human soldiers, and supports the craftworld's Aspect Warriors as infantry, artillery gunners, or vehicle crews.

This kit builds 10 Guardian Defenders, accompanied by a Heavy Weapon Platform. Guardian Defenders are versatile support troops, suited to holding objectives as they unleash withering hails of fire from their shuriken catapults. Their hovering Heavy Weapon Platforms can be fitted with a variety of powerful guns to sunder enemy armour or mow down swathes of infantry. This kit comes with a variety of accessories and 11 unhelmeted heads. 


This kit builds 10 Storm Guardians, accompanied by a Serpent's Scale Platform. Storm Guardians are skilled close combat troops, suited to claiming objectives with deadly blades and shuriken pistols, protected from enemy fire by the powerful forcefield of their floating Serpent's Scale Platform. Other Storm Guardians bring special weapons to bear, burning foes out of cover with bursts from their flamers or melting through armoured bunkers with their fusion guns. This kit comes with a variety of Aeldari close combat weapons, flamers, and fusion guns, as well as 11 unhelmeted heads.

Product Code46-09
ManufacturerGames Workshop

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