Separatist Alliance

  • HMP Droid Gunship

    HMP Droid Gunship

    A menacing silhouette slides overhead, repulsorlifts humming ominously and eyes glowing with malevolence. The HMP gunshi…



  • Hyena-class Droid Bomber

    Hyena-class Droid Bomber

    Baktoid Armor Workshop’s Hyena-class droid bomber is a wartime evolution of the Trade Federation’s Vulture-class d…



  • Jango Fetts Slave 1

    Jango Fetts Slave 1

    Originally produced for law enforcement purposes by Kuat Systems Engineering, the Firespray-class patrol craft is also …



  • Sith Infiltrator

    Sith Infiltrator

    The Sith operate in the shadows. As they unfold their dark machinations across the galaxy, they need a ship that matches…




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