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Marvel Crisis Protocol
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Marvel Crisis Protocol
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Crisis Protocol Vision & Winter Soldier
Originally created by Ultron to destroy the Avengers, the android known as Vision turned against his creator and joined …
Crisis Protocol Vision &…
Crystal and Lockjaw
Crystalia Amaquelin is a princess of the Inhuman Royal Family and younger sister of Medusa, the Queen of the Inhumans. L…
Crystal and Lockjaw
Daredevil and Elektra with Hand Ninjas
When Daredevil returns to Hell’s Kitchen as the new leader of the Hand Ninja clan, he abandons law and order for a muc…
Daredevil and Elektra with Hand Ninjas
Dark Future Terrain Pack - Pre-Order(27 Sept)
With mutants and humanity on the run, the Dark Future Terrain Pack brings a world to life where its strongest defenders …
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Dark Future Terrain Pack -…
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Deadpool and Taco Truck
Welcome to the Deadpool character pack, brought to you by me: the amazing Deadpool! Once terminal cancer patient Wade Wi…
Deadpool and Taco Truck
Doctor Strange and Clea
Stephen Strange has had many unusual encounters, but none have tested him so much as losing his connection to the arcane…
Doctor Strange and Clea
Doctor Strange and Wong
Once a brilliant surgeon, Doctor Stephen Strange was set upon a different path when he lost the use of his hands in an a…
Doctor Strange and Wong
Doctor Voodoo and Hood
When Doctor Jericho Drumm returned to his home in Haiti, he discovered his brother had become the Houngan Supreme, a pra…
Doctor Voodoo and Hood
Domino & Cable
Cable, the son of the X-Men leader Cyclops, was sent to the future to save his life when he was infected by the deadly t…
Domino & Cable
Dormammu Ultimate Encounter
Dormammu is the ruler of the Dark Dimension, an intersection of dimensions and realities that defies the laws of nature.…
Dormammu Ultimate Encounter
Electro, Sandmn, Shocker & Vulture
A sinister lineup of villains enters Marvel: Crisis Protocol in this pack! As some of Spider-Man's most noteworthy …
Electro, Sandmn, Shocker & Vulture
Elsa Bloodstone & Man-Thing
Man-Thing is a durable tank, who punishes enemies for damaging his allies. Elsa Bloodstone, in her legendary monster hun…
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Elsa Bloodstone & Man-Thing
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Sunspot and Warlock
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Imperial Shoretroopers
Crisis Protocol Thor & Valkyrie
Rebel Commandos Unit
Crashed Sentinel Terrain Pack - Pre-Order (???)
Poe Dameron / Black Squadron Ace
Rebel Veterans
Han Solo Commander
General Veers Commander
Dwarf Spider
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Shadow Collective Mercenary Starter
Pyke Syndicate Foot Soldiers
Mandalorian Super Commandos
Star Wars the Clone Wars
Black Sun Enforcers Unit
Jedi Hunter Squad Pack
Plans and Preparation Squad Pack
Star Wars Legion Essentials Kit
Gar Saxon
Legion Upgrade Card Pack 2
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