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Rebel Alliance
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Rebel Alliance
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Leia Organa Commander
From Alderaanian diplomat to leader of the Rebel Alliance, Leia Organa’s legacy has been one of inspiration, heroism, …
Leia Organa Commander
Luke Skywalker Operative
One of the Rebellion's most enduring heroes, Luke Skywalker has sparked hope across the galaxy. As the first new Jedi Kn…
Luke Skywalker Operative
Rebel Commandos Unit
The Rebel Alliance can recruit new members from across the galaxy, finding pilots, soldiers, and medics among those who …
Rebel Commandos Unit
Rebel Pathfinders
Spies, saboteurs, and assassins, the Rebel Pathfinders are the most elite—and the most deadly—of the Alliance’s so…
Rebel Pathfinders
Rebel Sleeper Cell Unit - Pre-Order 18th Oct
This expansion for Star Wars™: Legion contains 8 finely sculpted Sleeper Cell trooper miniatures, enough for one Spec…
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Rebel Sleeper Cell Unit -…
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Rebel Specialists
Armies are more than just soldiers. To wage an effective war across the countless battlefields of the Galactic Civil War…
Rebel Specialists
Rebel Troopers Unit
The Alliance recruits warriors from every world—wherever they can find beings who have come to hate the Empire’s tyr…
Rebel Troopers Unit
Rebel Troopers Upgrade
The Rebellion is made up of beings from countless worlds, all standing united in opposition to the tyranny of the Empire…
Rebel Troopers Upgrade
Rebel Veterans
With instincts honed in the trenches, Rebel veterans are often assigned the hardest and most vital jobs in the war again…
Rebel Veterans
Sabine Wren (Legion)
Born into the proud warrior culture of Mandalore, Sabine Wren carries the history of her people within the very armor sh…
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Sabine Wren (Legion)
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T-47 Airspeeder
When the Rebel Alliance first landed on Hoth, they found a cold and inhospitable planet—ill-suited to supporting life …
T-47 Airspeeder
Tauntaun Riders
The windswept plains of Hoth are treacherous even to native beasts, but tauntaun riders are trained to expertly handle t…
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Tauntaun Riders
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B2 Super Battle Droids
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Imperial Shoretroopers
Crisis Protocol Thor & Valkyrie
Rebel Commandos Unit
Crashed Sentinel Terrain Pack - Pre-Order (???)
Poe Dameron / Black Squadron Ace
Rebel Veterans
Han Solo Commander
General Veers Commander
Dwarf Spider
On Sale
Shadow Collective Mercenary Starter
Pyke Syndicate Foot Soldiers
Mandalorian Super Commandos
Star Wars the Clone Wars
Black Sun Enforcers Unit
Jedi Hunter Squad Pack
Plans and Preparation Squad Pack
Star Wars Legion Essentials Kit
Gar Saxon
Legion Upgrade Card Pack 2
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