Galactic Empire

  • 74-Z Speeder Bikes Unit

    74-Z Speeder Bikes Unit

    The howl of a 74-Z Speeder Bike racing past is not something that’s easily forgotten. The Empire commonly uses these s…



  • Agent Kallus Commander

    Agent Kallus Commander

    Feared both within and without the Imperial ranks, the Imperial Security Bureau scours the galaxy for any disloyal to th…



  • AT-ST Unit

    AT-ST Unit

    The power of the Empire is visible on any subjugated world—few images are more representative of Imperial power than t…



  • AT-ST Walker (2023)

    AT-ST Walker (2023)

    The intimidating Imperial AT-ST returns to Star Wars: Legion! Featuring new engineering that allows for a better assembl…


  • Blizzard Force Starter Set

    Blizzard Force Starter Set

    Your players can begin building their invincible Imperial armies and jump into the battles of Star Wars: Legion with thi…



  • Boba Fett

    Boba Fett

    As evidenced by his tracking Han Solo and the Millenium Falcon to Bespin in The Empire Strikes Back, Boba Fett is a c…



  • Bossk (Legion)

    Bossk (Legion)

    Skillfully tracking his prey across the galaxy using his natural Trandoshan hunting instincts, Bossk has earned his repu…



  • Dark Troopers

    Dark Troopers

    Imperial armies get a terrifying new addition with this expansion for Star Wars: Legion! Elite combat droids programmed …



  • Darth Vader Operative

    Darth Vader Operative

    Feared by friend and foe alike, Darth Vader is the living embodiment of the Empire’s might. Before he could become one…



  • Dewback Riders

    Dewback Riders

    The Empire often uses local creatures for its patrols, and in desert environments, Imperial troopers rely on dewbacks, m…


  • Din Djarin and Grogu

    Din Djarin and Grogu

    The Mandalorian and Grogu are ready to join the battles of Star Wars: Legion with this Operative Expansion! Din Djarin, …



  • Director Orson Krennic

    Director Orson Krennic

    Every great achievement requires just as much ambition, and there are few as ambitious as Director Orson Krennic. As the…




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