
  • Biovore


    Biovores are living artillery pieces, swollen with the clutch of explosive Spore Mines that they nurture within their bo…

    ¥7,845 ¥6,538

    ¥7,845 ¥6,538

  • Codex - Tyranids

    Codex - Tyranids

    The Tyranids are an all-consuming alien swarm from beyond the known galaxy. Driven by the vast and ineffable intellect o…

    ¥8,406 ¥7,005

    ¥8,406 ¥7,005

  • Datasheet Cards Tyranids

    Datasheet Cards Tyranids

    The Tyranid hive fleets are rapacious alien swarms that flow from beyond the galactic fringe to devour all life. When th…

    ¥5,137 ¥4,670

  • Deathleapers


    The Deathleaper is a rare and advanced development of the Lictor strain, perfectly evolved to act as a terror weapon. Th…

    ¥9,807 ¥8,032

    ¥9,807 ¥8,032

  • Genestealers


    Genestealers are peerless predators, swift vanguard organisms armoured in chitinous plates and possessed of terrifying s…

    ¥9,807 ¥7,939

    ¥9,807 ¥7,939

  • Hormagaunts


    Hormagaunts are swarming shock troops, seeded onto prey worlds in their billions. As simple hunter-slayer organisms, spa…

    ¥7,845 ¥6,538

    ¥7,845 ¥6,538

  • Lictor


    Lictors are a sinister adaptation of the Tyranid Warrior bioform, specialising in infiltration, scouting, and assassinat…

    ¥7,845 ¥6,538

    ¥7,845 ¥6,538

  • Neurolictor


    Neurolictors are nightmarish living weapons of psychological warfare, engineered to implant mind-altering parasites and …

    ¥6,538 ¥5,604

    ¥6,538 ¥5,604

  • Norm Emissary

    Norm Emissary

    ach Norn Emissary is a purpose-bred beast, spawned by its Norn Queen to accomplish a specific and singular objective –…

    ¥17,745 ¥14,943

    ¥17,745 ¥14,943

  • Termagants


    Termagants are scuttling predators that attack in huge swarms, armed with living weapons that spit flesh-eating organism…

    ¥7,192 ¥6,071

    ¥7,192 ¥6,071

  • Tyranids Dice

    Tyranids Dice

    Tyranids desire nothing less than to consume every living organism in the galaxy. If that sounds like your jam, you can …

    ¥4,670 ¥3,736

    ¥4,670 ¥3,736


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